

Femicide is a term coined by Dr. Diana Russell to describe the deliberate gender-based killing of women, often driven by misogyny, gender inequality, and patriarchal systems. It specifically targets women and girls simply because they are female. Femicide encompasses a range of acts, including coercive control, domestic violence, honor killings, dowry-related killings, female infanticide, sexual violence-related killings, and targeted killings in conflict zones. It reflects the systemic discrimination and gender-based power imbalances in societies. Femicide not only results in the loss of individual lives but also perpetuates a culture of fear and reinforces oppressive structures that marginalize and harm women. Understanding and addressing the complex social, cultural, and systemic factors contributing to femicide is crucial in combating gender-based violence and working towards a more equitable and just society.

Arizona Gripped By A Surge Of Domestic Violence

An alarming report from the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence reveals that the state’s decision to ignore the urgent need to expand existing legislation to include coercive control has made it a hotspot for intimate partner abuse in the United States. According to Arizona’s Family, the state has one of the highest rates of domestic violence fatalities…