

Narcissistic Abuse Rehab publishes opinion essays from contributing authors to provide readers with an opportunity to understand news and events from other points of view. The views expressed are solely that of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of our publication. Our intention is to foster a culture of compassion and understanding. If you would like to contribute an opinion piece, please visit out submissions page to learn more.

7 Ways to Fight Mental Health Stigma

Opinion By May 04, 2022

WHILE THE TOPIC of mental health is more widely discussed now than in the past, people experiencing loneliness, depression, anxiety, isolation, and hopelessness often feel judged by others. Unfortunately mental health challenges are as stigmatized now as ever and the consequence is that people who need support are reluctant to reach out for help. As the Chief Executive Officer of…

Christopher Hitchens on Bill Clinton

Opinion By Mar 29, 1999

IN JAMES BALDWIN’S ACCOUNT of the Atlanta child murders of 1979-81, The Evidence of Things Not Seen, he recalls a dreadful earlier moment from 1964. The swamps and creeks of Mississippi were being dragged for the bodies of Schwerner, Chancy, and Goodman (done to death by the political ancestors of Bob Barr), and the search parties kept turning up corpses. Examinations…