Emotional Abuse and Psychological Well-Being of College Students

Emotional Abuse and Psychological Well-Being of College Students

Mental HealthBy Feb 21, 2024

Modern society underestimates the problem of emotional abuse among college students. Emotional trauma is often just as damaging as physical trauma and can have more far-reaching and destructive consequences. Maintaining the psychological health of students is a critically important and pressing issue that does not receive enough attention.

Reasons for emotional harassment of students may include rude and inappropriate attitudes on the part of teachers, excessive and overwhelming academic workload, or excessive overestimation of the significance of academic performance or exams. It must be remembered that all students are unique individuals with their own characteristics, and not all of them are able to withstand stress and academic workload well enough. If you want to eliminate academic debt, services like CustomWritings.com can be an invaluable resource; other problems seem much more complex and require an individual, comprehensive approach.

Preconditions for Feeling Emotionally Abused in College

Adjustment and Transition Challenges

Making the leap from high school to university life is no small feat. Many students feel homesick and disconnected from their communities due to moving to new places, taking on more responsibility, and meeting higher academic standards. Many people experience emotional distress as a result of adjusting to a new phase of life. The American Psychological Association reports that many students experience increased stress, anxiety, and depression as a result of the adjustment to college life.

Academic Stress and Perfectionism

College students may experience elevated stress and anxiety levels while they strive for academic excellence. Students’ emotional and mental health might suffer when they are under constant academic pressure to do well, meet all of their deadlines, and pass all of their tests. In a highly competitive setting, the fear of failing can intensify perfectionistic impulses, which can cause burnout, impostor syndrome, and self-doubt. 

Students often experience a great deal of emotional and mental distress as they attempt to shoulder the cost of higher education, including tuition, books, and living expenses. A student’s mental health, anxiety levels, and concentration levels can all take a hit when they’re worried about money and have trouble paying bills. According to the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, students’ mental health and academic performance can be negatively impacted by the substantial stress that financial worries can cause.

Substance Abuse and Risky Behaviors

The party culture and drug and alcohol experimentation that is so common on college campuses are well-known. Adverse effects on psychological and physical health can be devastating when these habits persist. 

To alleviate stress, some students experiment with substances, which can lead to addiction and other mental health issues. Substance misuse is alarmingly common among college students, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which may have detrimental effects on students’ psychological and physical health.

Social Pressures and Loneliness

To succeed in college, one must learn to fit in with new people, make friends, and discover where they belong. But it’s not easy to deal with peer pressure, insecurities about how you measure up, and the dread of being rejected. Students may feel inadequate, lonely, and alone when they are just starting to meet new people and build relationships. This shows the need to have support mechanisms in place to tackle these issues.

Sleep Disorders and Disruptions

Academic pressures, extracurricular activities, and social obligations can make it difficult for college students to maintain regular sleep schedules. Increased stress, trouble concentrating, and mood changes are just some of the adverse mental health effects that can result from sleep disruptions. 

College students may have elevated stress levels, impaired focus, and mood disorders due to sleep disruptions, says the National Sleep Foundation. For optimal mental health, good sleep hygiene must be a top priority.

Tips to Maintain Psychological Well-Being in College

#1 Stick to a Routine 

Your mental health can benefit significantly from the security and predictability of a regular schedule when you’re a college student. Regular sleep, exercise, and study schedules, among other things, can assist in alleviating stress by giving structure and reducing the impact of unforeseen circumstances. In addition, you may prioritize your well-being and make time for relaxation and introspection by setting aside time for self-care activities like writing or meditation. The best way to deal with stress and lessen the chances of getting anxiety and depression is to start good habits as soon as possible in college.

#2 Get Involved 

Participating in extracurricular activities allows you to meet others who share your interests and develop friendships. Students who are lonely or overburdened might find a community here to lean on. Furthermore, by giving kids a chance to relax and enjoy themselves while releasing pent-up creative energy, these activities may relieve stress. 

Students’ self-esteem and feeling of purpose can be boosted by developing their leadership abilities through membership in student government or organizational positions. Involvement on campus positively affects mental health and gives you experiences that will help you in the long run, both professionally and emotionally.

#3 Set Realistic Goals

College students must establish attainable goals each semester to succeed academically. If you set too ambitious objectives, you risk being disappointed and frustrated, which can lower your motivation and impact your mental health. Achieving academic milestones, expanding one’s skill set, and increasing one’s general knowledge should all be realistic ambitions. 

College life may be challenging, but if you set realistic objectives, you’ll have something to work for without experiencing unnecessary stress or burnout. You can ensure that you are well-prepared for the rigors of higher education and make the most of your time here by creating a plan for each semester that you can complete.

#4 Get to Know Your Professors 

It is beneficial to one’s academic and personal development to cultivate cordial relationships with professors throughout college. In addition to teaching, professors may be invaluable resources for students and professionals alike. Students can learn more about the industry’s unique aims and make connections with experts in their sector by participating in discussions outside of class. 

Internships, research opportunities, letters of reference, and even post-graduation employment offers can all stem from these encounters. Professors may also provide students with individualized feedback on their work, leading to higher grades and less anxiety. The educational experience is enhanced, and opportunities for future professional success are expanded when students try to build professional relationships with faculty members.

#5 Keep in Touch with Family and Friends 

As a social buffer against homesickness and a vital resource for academic and personal development, keeping in touch with loved ones back home is a must for college students. Maintaining relationships with people who care about them helps students deal with stress, boosts their motivation to do well in school, and increases the likelihood that they will graduate. Furthermore, being part of a community of people keeps you rooted, reaffirms your principles, and highlights the significance of life’s most essential things. 

Your loved ones will cheer you on when you achieve goals and help you figure things out when you hit a roadblock. Physical distance will no longer be an issue when you can stay in touch with loved ones back home via current technologies such as video chat. Students may navigate the challenges of this transitional period by maintaining meaningful relationships with those who matter most to them and forming strong emotional bonds with them.

#6 Learn Time Management Skills 

Managing one’s time effectively is essential for college students, who often have to juggle many classes with different timetables, extracurriculars, social life, and personal duties. Stress, low grades, and missed deadlines are all possible outcomes of ineffective time management. 

To remain on track and alleviate anxiety, students might benefit from learning efficient time management methods. These tactics include prioritizing chores, making calendars, and setting attainable objectives. Gaining proficiency in these areas while at university will also serve you well in a professional setting that places a premium on efficiency and organization. Better time management skills can benefit academic achievement, personal agency, and future success.


Michael Fowler is a seasoned freelance writer who covers healthcare, psychology, and law. His meticulously researched work reflects his deep understanding of these fields. His thought-provoking writing informs and inspires discussions on a wide range of societal issues.