

Trauma refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope. It involves emotional, psychological, or physical harm resulting from an event such as abuse, violence, or a life-threatening situation. Trauma can have long-lasting effects on mental and emotional well-being, often requiring healing and support for recovery.

Psycho-Emotional Abuse: The Essential Guide

Psycho-Emotional Abuse: The Essential Guide was made to provide you with greater knowledge of this fundamental component of narcissistic abuse. This information will give you a clear understanding of: Let’s get started. What is psycho-emotional abuse? Psycho-emotional abuse describes any non-physical pattern of behavior that intentionally harms an individual’s mental state and undermines their ability to reach their full potential. It…

The Narcissist’s False Self

THE FALSE SELF IS A FAKE PERSONA dysfunctional people invent as a psychological defense mechanism against re-living adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic stress. A child’s construction of a false self is an adaptive process. Children may develop it to cope with unmet needs, especially the absence of support the child requires to differentiate themselves from their caregivers. When…

Grief in the Digital Age

THE BUZZ OF MY SMARTPHONE broke my concentration. I picked it up and checked my messages. A grief-stricken family member had texted me to let me know my cousin Francis had died. Frantic phone calls ensued as I struggled to come to terms with my shock and sorrow. A hidden heart condition had claimed his life. He died five days…